Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting What You Want this Holiday Season

What do you want for the holidays? Better yet, what do you want for the next year? This holiday season, instead of thinking only about what gift you want from your parents, you should think BIGGER!

As for me, starting at Thanksgiving and continuing through the end of each year, I think about how lucky I am to have my family, my friends and to teach at my own dojo. In simplest terms, I’m doing just what I want to be doing, and hanging out with precisely the people with whom I want to be spending time.

There are people who are not as fortunate as I am. In fact, some people look at me and say, “it came easy to him.” However, nothing could be farther from the truth because I walked a rough road to get where I am today. I studied in university for 10 years, did jobs that were unpleasant, and spent a lot of time with people who didn’t care if I succeeded or failed.

Here’s a list of habits that helped me achieve my goals:

  1. Get the best possible education.
  2. Don’t take short cuts because hard work always brings pleasure, pride and results.
  3. Know your strengths and weaknesses because that knowledge will be a source of self-confidence and self-improvement.
  4. Maintain your health by eating well, sleeping enough and practicing Seichou Karate®.
  5. Never put anything into your body or engage behavior that could hurt you.
  6. Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Don’t hang out with flatterers or with negative people or who sap your positive energy.
  7. Each December identify clear goals that will become your roadmap for the coming year. Then, at the end of each year, assess how well you did in achieving those goals.

So, this holiday season, think BIG! Take the time to decide what you want in the coming year, then think deeply about how hard you’re willing to work to accomplish your goals, and remember that these habits will help you achieve the things that you desire.